(Last Updated on February 27, 2025 by Henry)

Captains of Crush –

  • Name: Captains of Crush
  • Category: Classical Spring Hand Gripper
  • Purpose: Crush Grip
  • Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars
  • Vendors: Amazon, Temu

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  • Classical Spring Gripper – 11 Different Resistance Levels
  • Knurled Handles – Aggressive Handles for Toughening up the Palms
  • Durable – Billet Aluminum & Alloy Steel

Captains of Crush Hand Gripper – Review

Overview, Details & Everything Relevant You Need To Know


What are the Pros & Cons with Captains of Crush?

Robust & Consistent



Captains of Crush – Ranking 94 out of 100

Excellent Equipment

How Can You Benefit from Captains of Crush?

Fastest Way to Build Crush Grip

Technical Details

  • Dimensions: 5×4.5×0.8 inch/ 12.7×11.4×2 cm
  • Shipping Weight: 7.8 ounces / 221 grams
  • Handles – Knurled, aluminum handles
  • Materials: Billet aluminum & alloy steel
  • Quantity – One (1) gripper
  • Resistance Levels – Eleven (11)
  • Manufacturer: IronMind (USA)

Who Enjoys Captains of Crush?

Any Athlete, Men & Women, Older & Younger

Toughen Your Palms With Captains of Crush

Avoid Fitness Gloves

Would I Use Grippers in the Rehab of Someone Who Damaged Their Hand?

Great Grippers for Recovery

IronMind offers 4 different types of grips along with Captains of Crush that you can use for your benefit, with multiple different resistance levels to cover all your training needs & routines, including the rehabilitation part.

Getting in better shape as well as nursing injuries are important, inseparable parts of your hand health. Whether you’re trying to get your strength back up for your recently dislocated finger, or trying to treat repetitive strain injury like a Tennis Elbow, a proper gripper can be an excellent way to go.

To deliver you the all-round-package IronMind has created a left-hand gripper, a smooth gripper & also a thumb gripper.

#1 Lefty Gripper
CoC Left-Turn Hand Gripper

#2 Smooth Gripper
Zenith Hand Gripper - The comfortable crush by IronMind

#3 Thumb Gripper

#4 Hand-Bands
Extend-Your-Hand bands set, by IronMind

What Is The Best Way To Achieve The Grip Strength?

Learn to Train Your Grip

Simply work with hand grippers & specifically specialize in them, or up your entire game by learning new exercises along with crushing grippers. Among these authors, there are famous names, like Tommy Heslep, who is one of only five people in the world who have certified IronMind’s Captains of Crush #4 Gripper. Learn it all from the experts if you like.

#1 “Captains of Crush Grippers”
"Captains of Crush Grippers: What They Are & How to Close Them", by Randall Strossen

#2 “Mastery of Hand Strength”
"Mastery of Hand Strength", by John Brookfield

#3 “Grip Strength”
"Grip Strength", by Robert Spindler & Tommy Heslep

#4 “The Grip Master’s Manual”
"The Grip Masters Manual", by John Brookfield

Captains of Crush – A Professional Competition Grade Gripper

How Can You Get Certified For Closing a Difficult CoC Gripper?

Master a Gripper & Confirm Your Result

Since Captains of Crush grippers are super high in quality, precise & consistent, they are used in competitions as well. To reward you for your effort, there’s a chance for everyone to get certified for closing a difficult-level CoC gripper.

Obviously, your very first priority is to get stronger & master your chosen hand gripper – Keep training until you’re able to fully close either #2 & # 2.5 (for women) OR #3, #3.5, #4 (for men) gripper. That’s the hard part, next is the easy part:

Once you’ve achieved that, it’s time to contact IronMind to let them know you’re ready to get certified. IronMind will help to select a referee near your area, who will witness & verify the process to confirm that you’re able to close certain Captains of Crush Gripper under the rules of closing & proper conditions.

The final step is to schedule a certification attempt date with IronMind to meet up with a referee near your area. For details, click here to read Captains of Crush – Rules for Closing & Certification from IronMind’s official website.

Why Should You Always Choose a High-Quality Gripper?

Consistency & Precision



How to Choose the Best Captain of Crush Gripper for you?

Eleven (11) Different Strength Levels

  1. The Guide (60 lbs): The guide is a great place to start if you are a youth, senior, or woman or if you are rehabbing an injury. Can always be used as a warm-up gripper no matter how strong you are. Twice as hard as the average sporting goods store plastic gripper but with the same world-class quality as other Captain of Crush grippers.

  2. The Sport (80 lbs)Suits for light warm-ups & as a lighter gripper has always a place in every training program. If you’re a woman who’s done some strength training, weekend warrior, or high school athlete start with The Sport.

  3. The Trainer (100 lbs)The Trainer may present a significant challenge. Serious grip training starts here. Most people can usually close The Trainer once or twice as the hand strength of the average man is around 115 pounds.

  4. The Point Five (120lbs): This is the first one of the bridge-grippers to help you to achieve your goals. It’s designed to help you advance from The Trainer to No 1.

  5. The No. 1 (140 lbs)Most guys who lift weights can’t close it on the first try. With some solid training, No 1 can be closed by most people. Everything beyond No. 1 gets a lot tougher & rewards become a lot bigger.

  6. The No. 1.5 (167.5 lbs): It’s the Second of the bridge-grippers. Another tool for your grip-arsenal to help you towards greatness. Helps you to advance between the No. 1 & No. 2 grippers.

  7. The No. 2 (195 lbs)2 presents a challenge & has stumped many strong men. Closing No. 2 can be considered a great achievement. Master the No. 2 if winning or losing, living or dying, might depend on your grip strength.

  8. The No. 2.5 (237.5 lbs): This one is the Third of the bridge-grippers. Things get tougher & tougher from here on out & it’s almost a must-have gripper for anyone who’s trying to advance from No 2 to No 3.

  9. The No. 3 (280 lbs)Close No 3 & claim your place among the grip elite. Separates the men from the boys. This is one of the most recognized feats of hand strength worldwide. Captains of Crush No 3 gripper is The Gold Standard of Hand Strength feats.

  10. The No. 3.5 (322.5 lbs): It’s the Fourth & the last one of the bridge-grippers. The Final step before the ultimate challenge. You will need all the possible help you can get to reach the very pinnacle of the grip strength world.

  11. The No. 4 (365 lbs)Be like Magnus Samuelsson! Closing No. 4 is the ultimate feat of hand strength. No 4 gripper is far beyond the reach of “normal” people & only those who are deadly serious about progressing “beyond normal”
    level of grip strength should think about getting this piece of equipment.

Thanks for Stopping By

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Need to Improve Your Grip? As a Fitness Enthusiast, I'm Here to Help You - Looking to Get More Competitive Edge? Prehab, Rehab, Treating RSI or Just Seeking Fun? Find All the Relevant Tricks of the Trade You Need Right Here. Sharing My Insight to Help You to Improve Both Mentally & Physically, Offering You Various Ideas & Directions to Be on Top of Your Game.

2 thoughts on “Captains Of Crush – The Most Reliable Workhorse?

  1. Hi Henry,

    At first I thought Oh no this this is going to be hard to make a comment on because it’s not something I would be interested in. I’m not a bodybuilder don’t intend to be. But as I scanned through the information on the page I noticed there is information on uh using the gripper for recovery.

    I recently broke my shoulder and am in healing process and will be entering physical therapy next week so it’ll be interesting to see if this kind of tool is employed in the process of healing my shoulder because I’ve noticed that using my hands exercises the muscles in my arms and that is what is going to get my shoulder stronger.

    And I also see some great information about why a person shouldn’t wear the exercise gloves all the time hadn’t really ever thought of that i also see some unusual products there like thumb grippers and hand bands.The page is a bit long for my sensibilities. I tend to like sites that are broken up a little bit more. And I think that might be just personal preference because I’ve found that many sites where you have to scroll a lot are sites that are trying to hard sell me on something.

    This is not that sort of thing it’s a legitimate product and there is great value in the information that you’re providing about the product.  Just a personal preference that you might consider as you look at your navigation on your site.  Overall I’m impressed with the product. Who knows during my recovery I might be just coming back to it and clicking on it to buy one.


    1. Being pain free is inherently a goal for most of us. We tend to not think about it, especially when feeling well. However it’s always a vital part to keep our sanity intact. Hence the importance of functional strength.

      Muscles don’t have to be large or particularly well defined to be amazing at excelling in their tasks.

      I hear you’re going through some potentially life changing hardships. I am curious how working with gripper could personally benefit you rehabilitating severe shoulder injury. Upper & lower arm are directly connected after all, sharing blood vessels & certain nerve clusters that need nursing.

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