(Last Updated on May 9, 2024 by Henry)
Captains Of Crush Hand Gripper Left-Turn –
- Name: CoC Left-Turn Spring Gripper
- Category: Classical Spring Hand Gripper
- Purpose: Crush Grip
- Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars
- Vendors: Amazon, Temu
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- Classical Spring Gripper – 4 Different Resistance Levels
- Knurled Handles – Aggressive Handles to Toughen Your Palms
- Durable – Made Out of Billet Aluminum & Alloy Steel
Captains of Crush Hand Gripper Left-Turn – Review
Overview, Details & Everything Relevant You Need To Know
CoC Left-Turn is a brand-new concept – It is the opposite of Captains of Crush hand gripper, featuring mirror image grippers that train your left hand.
It’s about spring positioning: For example, if you flip the right-hand gripper over to your left hand, you will notice the elliptical rotation of the hand gripper axis. While some people find grasping with a gripper awkward or uncomfortable, others may describe it as being more difficult to close a hand.
To make things even for your left hand & train it the same way you’re training your right hand, IronMind decided to build an entirely new gripper that looks like & technically is the Captains of Crush gripper, with one difference: It has used the left of the spring, this gear suits training left hand well. Left Turn is the opposite of Captains of Crush.
In case you’re a weightlifter, rock climber, wrestler, or motocross driver, a strong grip is typically a must-have to be a top-notch performer.
Unlike regular plastic grippers, CoC Left-Turn has high reusability. It has aircraft-grade billet aluminum & alloy steel construction, making it outperform others in competition. Established in 1988, the IronMind is a pioneer in the field.
Besides 1-year guarantee to their world-famous spring grippers, the manufacturer also ensures replacement in case the gripper gets damaged.
What are the Benefits and Drawbacks of CoC Left-Turn?
Knurled Lefty Gripper
- Lefty Gripper – It is one of the very few grippers that utilizes the left-handed spring specially described for the leveling of your left hand as you do with your right hand.
- High-Level Equipment – Approved for low-volume, high-intensity training. Custom machined device made out of aircraft-grade aluminum alloy.
- 4 Different Resistances – You can purchase different stipple grippers that can be used as alternatives to train both hands at the same time as the regular Captain of Crush one. Available resistance range of 100 lbs to 280 lbs for absolute beginner to expert workout (100-280 lbs).
- Absolute Durability – That goes for all CoC grippers, they are all made of metal parts to aid in strength. – Therefore, you will not find any parts that are made of plastic as they are not as strong, partly degrade, or can easily break over time.
- Aggressive Thickened Handles are one of the crucial ways to achieve not only stronger but also tougher skin on your palms. The palms of your hands sometimes can have a feeling of being chopped apart or torn by the extremely strong CoC gripper knurling in order to make them much stronger overall.
- Portable – How easy is that? Just pocket one or leave it in an offset desk drawer. By the time you leave home, you can also add one to the backpack you will carry for your training class. This is a small tool. Therefore, it will always have one or the other with the grip work.
- Easily Maintainable – For metal grippers, we often have to consider corrosion in humid climates. To prevent the spring from rusting you frequently should wipe it with only a drop of oil that will not just make it move smoothly and stop it from squeaking but also reduce the chances of its broken. Knurled handles too should be cleaned using stiff-nylon-bristled brushes
- 1-Year Warranty – In the case that your grippers fail within the first year after the point of purchase when used appropriately, you can replace them for free.
- The One Hand Model – The learning model is configured to work your left hand at the outset. And while it is indeed a good practice, it is still quite effective for training both hands, with slightly a different feeling when doing it with your right hand using your left. Unless it’s a tiny detail that no one can tell, I advise you to opt for a standard Captains of Crush trainer in addition to your lefty gripper if you want to train your right hand to be the strongest and the most precise.
- A Single Resistance At a Grip – In contrast, the CoC is a static resistance only at the gripper limit of the training tool. To get remarkable results you probably have to take a step further by purchasing grippers with different resistances and this may require some more coins from your side.
Captains of Crush Left-Turn – Ranking 98 out of 100
Excellent Equipment
How Can You Take Advantage of the Mighty Captains of Crush?
Fastest Way to Build Crushing Grip
- Improve Your Finger Tendon Strength – This is one of the most important aspects of your hand health & strength: The capacitation of performing your regular activities and exercises is ensured by the actuality that you can act with your hands. This gripper improves the condition of the tendons which can then be used for harder exercises.
- Generate Maximum Crush Grip Force – Hand movements happen in four categories, & crushing is one of them – If you are looking for something to grab, you use a crush grip to hold it. Hand gripper is the #1 most effective device for jacking up your hand-crushing strength in no time.
- Keep up the static support grip – Gripper is a tool where you squeeze the handles together, hold them closed for as long as possible, & then remove your hands. This is more a top-priority exercise for you if your main load is a heavy barbell, for example – like this, you can work with more weight and longer period.
- Do not kill your palms off – If you’ve never trained on grippers or parallel grips before, watch out for the knurling on this one which can beat your hands really quickly. In a result, this is a good thing – this is how your hands become stronger. The trick here is NOT to use your gloves but to throw them out of the window instead. Only use your palms to train them to be stronger.
- For this, you will need to build a well-prepared grip – one of the most important things to play the sport in a proper way is to have a better grip. Having a total more stable, powerful, less fatigued grip helps you to carry out your workout routines correctly and also have a bigger chance of winning over the competitors.
- Protect Hands from Injuries – Extra pounds of muscle will be great – This removes lot of stress from our bones and joints. By improving functional strength together with overall muscle mass brings your healthy hands to life & decreases the risk of possible injury. It doesn’t matter what sport you are playing, your number one goal should be to avoid injury.
- Possibility to Obtain a Certificate – Grip Training with the higher CoC hand grippers that eventually close it will not only give you the chance to become famous but also allow you to be recognized as the strongest man in the grip world. Closing CoC 3, 3,5, or 4 grippers is considered a great feat of strength – You will get a diploma with your name written down in IronMind’s official catalog.
Technical Details
- Dimensions: 5x 4.5x 0.8 inch/ 12.7x 11.4x 2 cm
- Shipping Weight: 7.8 ounces / 221 grams
- Handles – Knurled, aluminum handles
- Materials: Billet aluminum & alloy steel
- Quantity – One (1) gripper
- Resistance Levels – Four (4)
- Manufacturer: IronMind (USA)
CoC LT provides a better build quality – it is well calculated with no surprise geometry to intimidate users. And it is consistent all over.
CoC grippers are well-engineered, and completely built with metal parts: Steel and aircraft-grade aluminum are to be used to make them durable. In contrast with the exhaustion often caused by the cheap plastic gripper, CoC springs will always keep their appearance.
The specifications for the CoC grippers are convenient. Take one from your pocket or from your training bag to the gym.
Who Is Captain Of Crush For?
Any Athlete – Men & Women, Older & Younger
Hand grippers will work for both novice and advanced trainees to get your grip stronger or even stronger than you already have.
Whether you are a teenager or a senior, male or female, and casual recreational athlete or hardcore, training grip allows you to have functional power which you use and most likely will use every single day. In most sports, the very first thing that your hands make contact with is an object. Whether you hold a basketball, a baseball bat, a golf club, or a weightlifting barbell, it doesn’t matter.
The more functional strength you gain in your hands, the higher the performance in your specific sport is also likely to be.
Toughen Your Palms With Hand Grippers
Avoid Fitness Gloves
Why should you be careful to not overuse fitness gloves? A lot of people depend entirely on gloves when they hit the gym and therefore, they often have extra soft palms. Gloves are like “strangers” to your hands (between your palms & the bar you are lifting) that take the real strength of your palms away.
That’s the case. As soon as you take off your fitness gloves and touch the first barbell or dumbbell, you will injure your hands badly. Hands start hurting and in the end, you probably have blisters.
Therefore, what is your solution to the problem? And no, you don’t put gloves on, Captains of Crush grippers have knurled handles for roughing the palm of your hands purposefully. Continue to practice, your strength and accuracy will improve. Slowly but surely over weeks and months, as you continue to grip, the skin in your palms will become tougher. It is one of the main components of being able to do more intense work without any equipment.
Unless your hands are injured, OR you’ve already used your hands to extreme limits, you DON’T have any more excuses or likely any practical reasons for using fitness gloves – you need to put them away & work with bare hands for functional strength.
Are IronMind Grippers Good for Rehab?
Great Grippers for Recovery
In IronMind, there are 4 types of grips such as Captains of Crush where you can choose from the different resistance levels to cover all your training including the rehab part.
Being physically fit and ensuring injury prevention are the two, critical aspects of hand health for you. Whether it is your recently dislocated finger or repetitive strain injury like a Tennis Elbow, proper gripping is an excellent means of accomplishing it.
And, true as that is, balance will always be the principal factor for both hand health recovery and functional strength training. Add to your gripper training by cooperating with extensor training – For the same task, you can use rubber bands to work on counter-movements to balance your hand muscles.
Extend-Your-Hand Bands is a great option you can include in your training plan whether you use one, two, or multiple different grippers. They are cheap & they stop your fingers from being sore. You can always ask a qualified physiotherapist, chiropractor, or any appropriate doctor, all of them will say that using hand- bands is a great way to go.
What Grip Training Resources Do You Have at Your Disposal?
Manuals to Train Your Grip
For that matter, just train hand grippers and make them your expertise, or go all the way by learning new exercises along with holding grippers. Among these writers’ titles are the hidden names like Tommy Heslep, he is among only five people in the world who passed IronMind’s Captains of Crush #4 Gripper. Acquire as much knowledge as possible from the specialists if you like.
Your Grippers Quality is Paramount
Why Should You Always Go for a High-Quality Gripper?
Consistency & Precision
The plastic gripper can break after just a few weeks of using it; thus, you will easily close it as a pro. It most probably blows your mind that you’ve come so far in such a short while. Have you?
If you’re a realist you know it’s clear as day that nothing is invulnerable – If you try hard enough, you can break CoC grips as well – That usually happens only when you maintain your equipment poorly: For instance, storing grips in too moist surroundings, not keeping your equipment clean or on top of it or adjusting the gripper improperly or while exercising.
1 Let me point out that the fact is cheap gripper springs are going to wear out soon enough. It seems to lose strength by the moment.
Moreover, you gain your power, and the gripper’s spring is buckling down. In short: This is very doubtful. Fluctuation sometimes appears regarding their size and shape. Uneven handles, spring positioning. Small but effective nuances.
2Another issue is that low-grade gripper springs tend to snap up quickly. That’s a safety issue for you!
There is a possibility that you’ll hurt yourself, especially if the spring breaks while you’re doing the workout and you’ll be hit by the pieces of the broken spring.

Investing money in a high-quality hand gripper is a sensible idea – They never fail to impress and there is much less chance for equipment failure. Besides being solidly engineered, there is no wonder geometry to get you distracted, so you can track your results more accurately. You’ll enjoy quality training that is at the level of professional athletes & eliminate random guesswork from your workout routines.
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Your review of the COC Left Turn gripper for left-handed users is incredibly informative. It’s refreshing to see a product cater specifically to lefties. I’m curious, how does it compare in terms of durability and resistance levels to the standard COC grippers? Additionally, have you noticed any specific improvements in your grip strength since using it? Personally, I’ve struggled with finding suitable grip trainers, so this detailed review is greatly appreciated.
The breakdown of the design and usability is spot on. Your mention of the ergonomic handle design is particularly intriguing. I’ve often found discomfort in extended training sessions, so this feature sounds promising. How has this gripper influenced your training routine, and have you noticed any reduction in strain or discomfort? Your insights could be immensely beneficial for others considering this product. Thank you for providing such a thorough and helpful review!
It’s the very same thing, just mirror image of regular Captains of Crush. To break one you either have to low roll a faulty device from manufacturer or mishandle your device to greater extent to break it. Durability isn’t issue here, these things are built like tanks. Been repping my CoC grips for years, still feels like I bought them yesterday.
To be frank it’s a flavor item for those who are gripper gurus, just nit-picking, or progressed above normal & seeking to get all the angles perfect. Most people won’t even pay attention to detail as such. Right or left winged spring, tells them absolutely nothing.
Fortunately there’s a compromise, a middle path so to speak with gd grip ext that does not have bent axis. It’s completely straight & feels the same in both hands. I’ve also reviewed one of those in gripper section, in my opinion it has a level of craftsmanship overshadowing even this famous line of grippers.