Before moving into actual rock climbing techniques for beginners, I’m starting things off with a bit of background on rock climbing holds. Believe it or not, they weren’t always part of ...
Today, I’m going to focus on talking about grip strength & how to use grip strengtheners correctly. It’s not just for athletes or fitness enthusiasts; it’s critical for everyone. A firm ...
Hand Muscle Pain – Couple of Minutes Every Other Day is Usually Enough What’s the top way to build hand muscle balance? It’s simple, working the extensor muscles in your hands. ...
Better Grip – An ability to hold onto objects… It’s probably the most important aspect of grip for any climber out there. It can literally be a matter of life OR ...
How To Increase Thumb Strength – Do you want to be able to lift some really big weights? Or climb a mountain? Pinch grip is simply must must-have part of your ...
Hand Grip Strength Exercises – Learn how to build a powerful foundation of your grip – It’s truly an inseparable part of an impressive physique. Ever heard of the saying “You’re ...
Weight Lifting Straps – Are Weight Lifting Straps New for You? Supporting grip is your forearms, hands & fingers’ ability to maintain a static hold on an object of your choice ...
How To Deadlift With A Barbell – 4 Different Styles Depends On Your Level of Expertise, Goals & Condition  Focus On a Few Details If you use too wide a ...
How to Deadlift Properly – Have Questions? Please Leave A Comment Cheers, Henry
How to Use Hand Grippers – New to Grippers? Start Here Whether it’s a stronger handshake you’re looking for, or better endurance & ability to lift bigger weights, training with hand ...
Grip Strength Trainer – Set Your Goals: Any Athlete Five Major Hand-Specific Movements The biggest limiting factor in grip training is ligament, tendon & finger pulley strength which strengthen much more ...