(Last Updated on May 11, 2024 by Henry)
Gymreapers Wrist Wraps –
- Name: Gymreapers Wrist Wraps
- Category: Wrist Wraps
- Purpose: Smart Leverages to Support Grip
- Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars
- Vendors: Amazon, Temu
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- Professional Grade – IPF Approved Wrist Wraps. High Quality, Competition Quality
- True to Length – Offering a High Level of Tightness & Support
- Durable – Heavy Duty, Lasting For Years
Gymreapers Wrist Wraps – Review
Overview, Details & Everything Relevant You Need To Know
Gymreapers Wrist Wraps come in pairs & are well-stitched competition-grade wraps that are made of strong velcro. Both include thick, heavy-duty symmetrical thumb loops to make wrapping quick & easy.
These are made by athletes for athletes. No nonsense here, these wrist wraps are reliable workhorses put through countless hours of testing to prove they will withstand any workout you throw at them.
Gymreapers are regularly being used by many elite athletes, specialists on top of their field. IFBB pros, world record holding powerlifters, both recommended and used by world class trainers. Also suited for competing in strongman or simple training for health & fitness.
Eventually, over time velcro will get streched out. Being durable, typically these wrist wraps last for years before breaking down due to wear. There are 6 different color variations to choose from.
Each wrist wrap is about 18 inches/45 cm long. Adjustable, thick, comfortable to offer proper wrist support. Ideal for all kinds of pushing exercises like bench presses, and shoulder presses but also for low bar squats that require proper wrist support.
What are the Pros & Cons with Gymreapers Wrist Wraps?
Competition Grade
- IPF Approved Competition Grade – High-quality equipment, created by athletes for athletes. Tested & regularly being used by many world class champions by themselves. Weight lifters, powerlifters, IFBB pros as well as renowned fitness trainers.
- Properly Support Wrists – Thick & properly tight wrist wraps that are true to their size, unlike many cheap wraps that are flimsy. They’re long enough to be allowed in competition, securing your wrist position correctly for better support & stability
- Protects Wrists – Injuries happen & pain in wrists is nothing new. With added stability to wrists, this can be prevented.
- Durable – Sturdy enough to serve you for years to come. Made of elastic, high quality velcro to support you in various exercises.
- Portable – Probably one of the lightest equipment you can carry with you in your training bag once you hit the gym. No excuse to not have them with you.
- Multiple Colors – Comes in multiple color variations: black, camo, military green, navy, pink, red, red/white, black/white
- Velcro Stretches Out Over Time – This is the likely outcome with most of the wrist wraps that you’ll use. Try not to overstretch fabric to deliberately damage it, your equipment will stay functional & serve you longer
- Few Complaints – It happens rarely but you should always check for quality. If the pair you ordered has faulty stitching or fabric has stains on it, please return your order & don’t hesitate to ask for a replacement.
Gymreapers Wrist Wraps – Ranking 94 out of 100
Excellent Equipment
How Can You Benefit From Wrist Wraps?
Support & Protect
- Support for Stability – Fixating your wrists in a position as much as possible to stabilize the weights you’re trying to lift
- Protect Wrists – It’s like having an extra tendon, a protective layer that increases the chances of preventing injuries
- Recovery from Injuries – The aforementioned protective layer works in the rehab process, preventing sudden movements
Who Should Use Wrist Wraps?
Align Equipment With Your Goals
- Beginner Lifters: It’s recommended to train for at least 1 year until you have developed some basic forearm strength. As beginner, regardless of your additional tools, you are rapidly improving & greatly benefiting from almost every exercise & don’t need to add any fancy tricks to it yet. Take your time, you’re getting there.
- Intermediate Lifters: You can use wrist wraps in various pushing exercises. As a weight lifter, you should own a pair, no matter what. If you’re taking Olympic lifting more seriously, you may find that the wrist wraps allow you to train longer & harder, than without them. A simple recipe for success.
- Advanced Lifters: Be careful if you’re competitive athlete. 1-2 weeks out from competition you have think about subtle nuances that affect your lifting technique. Wrist wraps are great, allowing you to train harder & longer but also might have a minor impact on your lifting technique & provide a “different feel” on weight. Find a balance between using & not using wraps.
- Competitive Strongmen: Everything you do has written HEAVY all over it. Compared to weight lifters, you should use every bit of protective gear you can. Even more so if close to competition maximize your training efficiency meanwhile reducing the risks of getting injured. It’s vital to keep you 100% on track & injury-free.
Technical Details
- Materials: Velcro
- Package Dimensions: 20.4 x 9.91 x 3.71 cm
- Item Weight: 108.86 grams
- Manufacturer: Gymreapers
- Color: black, camo, green, navy, pink, red, white, red/white

How to Train Your Forearms For Functional Strength?
Train Your Extensors & Flexors
Is there such danger as overuse of wrist wraps? I think there is. One thing is to stabilize wrists with the help of wrist wraps, using smart leverage. The other thing is to have strong wrists to begin with.
These are two separate beasts, that can be aligned for improved results. However don’t negate one with the overuse of other. Focus on training forearms as well.
Wrist roller are fun to use & brutally effective to build forearm strength. They’re especially good to build wrist strength. Building more stable wrists, and putting extra muscle on forearms saves you from multiple potential injuries & helps to improve your overall strength.
What is My Final Evaluation of Gymreapers Wrist Wraps?
Heavy Duty with an Image of Skull
Wrist wraps are popular, I’d say it’s essential to own a pair of these. Protect your body & take advantage of smart leverages to push yourself towards greater results at the same time.
Easy to use, even complete beginners can manage it to an extent. There are few tips & tricks, some subtle moments for correct positioning. On regular use you’ll figure it out quickly & with practice you eventually nail it how to do it correctly.
For competitive athletes who can use wrist wraps in competition, this is a must have. Every little bit helps, especially if it saves you from injuries while giving you competitive edge.
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