(Last Updated on May 11, 2024 by Henry)

Grenadier Grips –

  • Name: Grenadier Grips
  • Category: Thick Bar Handles
  • Purpose: Pinch Grip, Open Hand Strength
  • Rating: 4.4 out of 5 stars
  • Place to Buy: Amazon

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  • Unique Spherical Style – Convert Barbell & Dumbbell Handles into Thick Bars
  • Increased Comfort – Reduce Wrist & Elbow Pain While Increasing Forearms Strength
  • Explosive Pumps – Recruit More Muscle

Grenadier Grips – Review

Overview, Details & Everything Relevant You Need To Know


Grenadier Grips are definitely something unique that you’ve not seen before. These are thick bar adaptors but unlike Fat Gripz they are not flat but spherical devices giving you an entirely different feel. Measuring approximately 3″ in diameter / 73mm. About the size of a baseball, tennis, or cricket ball. Specifically designed to fit in the palm of your hand, allowing for better ergonomics & comfort during training.

Being rounded has certain important advantages. Many people can’t put their arms in a supinated position when for example doing curls with a barbell. The result will be a pain when using flat-surfaced bar handles. Rounded fat bar handles help you position your hands more naturally. It means you can perform these exercises effectively that were once upon a time a no-go for you.

Ideal to target your forearms, thumbs & grip in general. Also engages your upper body really well. Countless athletes love these things, being both quality gear & having meaningful implications in your workout. Make no mistake it will not make your workout easier, the opposite, it targets more muscle ramping up intensity & leading you to more profound results. You get bigger & stronger, faster through explosive pumps.

Easy to use, takes seconds to apply them on any device of your choice. The idea is to transform any equipment like a pull-up bar, kettlebell, barbell, or dumbbell into strongman-style specialty equipment like Apllon’s axle.

Grenadier Grips are durable, and built to last. Made from rubber-like compounds, FDA-approved high-grade elastomer polymer which ensures they won’t split or crack. On the very first time you use them, you have to pull them open firmly from the slit opposite the logo panel. It may seem that there is no slit but don’t worry it’s there.

These handles are softer than many other thick bars. With anti-slip material, it helps for maximum stability & feels good to grip. Excellent workhorses for arm wrestlers, climbers, military training, martial artists, bodybuilders & cross-fitters. No nonsense, good equipment, quick & easy to use to help you maximize your gains while putting less stress on joints.

What are the Pros & Cons with Grenadier Grips?

Unique Shape


  • Unique Design – Unlike most fat bar handles, these are spherical, round-shaped grips that create an entirely different feel in your hands. More ergonomic & in many cases users report that the round shape targets forearms & grip way better than the flat surfaced thick bar handles.
  • Comes with Cool Bag – (2) x GRENADE GRIPS (1) x Camouflage Case to store them easily & carry with you from workout to workout
  • Easy to Attach & Remove – Within seconds add to any bar-like gripping platform to add dimension to existing exercises or create entirely new ones.
  • Versatile – You can apply these to most exercises. The flexibility of the use of thick bars is off the chart. There are countless devices you can attach Grenadier Grips. Barbells, dumbbells, specialty bars, pull-up bars, free-standing machines, and cables. Almost every machine you can find in a gym.
  • Praised By Professionals – This equipment has already proven itself again & again. Countless of pro athletes swear by it, recommending you to do most exercises with thick bar handles. Benefits bodybuilders, weightlifters, martial artists, special forces, climbers as well as regular gym goer.
  • Pocket-Sized Apollon’s Axle – Thick handles replicate the feel of exclusive strongman specialty equipment like Apollon’s Axe which is specialty equipment that 99% of gyms simply don’t have.
  • Eliminates The Need to Use Chalk – The rubber-like material offers a good gripping surface. Eliminates the need to use chalk, and makes exercising more secure & safer. You can finish your workout faster & get better results.
  • Portable & Lightweight – Grenadier Grips are small, you can throw them into a gym training bag as you hit the gym. Easily portable, always keep a pair nearby.


  • Can Slip – When you are doing heavy hammer curls with dumbbells these handles can slip, be aware of it, please.
  • Material is Soft – Unlike many thick bar handles that are quite rigid & tough, this one uses quite soft material. Most users like it, some don’t.
  • Only One Inside Diameter – On regular barbells & dumbbells no problem, they work perfectly. If you have any fancy dumbbell with oval-shaped or slightly larger handles you are going to run into trouble. They won’t fit well or not at all.

Grenadier Grips – Ranking 88 out of 100

Great Equipment

How Can You Benefit from Grenadier Grips?

Unique Gripping Position

Thumbs & forearms in general are typically the weakest links in anyone’s body. Thick bar handles are made to train these weak links & quickly become notable in your workout routine. Walking up to a loaded bar with a weak grip makes you feel like you are handicapped. The benefits are tremendous by building a stronger grip.

The grip is the primary point of contact with the weight in most of your exercises. To effectively lift anything you need strong enough hands & forearms to perform.

Grenadier Grips work really well to increase muscle activation throughout your entire arms. As a result, you’ll add strength as well as size to the forearms & biceps.

In addition, thick bar handles target your whole upper body in general. More muscle activation naturally leads to bigger muscles & functional strength gain. Thick bar adaptors have become a worldwide training phenomenon. Top-level athletes swear by it, recommending it to others while using it themselves. Ideal for military, martial artists, arm wrestlers, crossfitters, and bodybuilders.

Using Grenadier grips can also reduce joint-related problems. The older you get, the more joint pain you encounter. By not gripping metal directly, fat grip bar handles help to take the pressure & stress off the joint. Put it where it counts, on the muscle, and avoid the pain. Increasing the surface area of targeted muscle protects joints, resulting in a stronger body & fewer joint problems.

  • Gain More Muscle Faster – Using thick bar handles is a new worldwide training phenomenon. Endorsed by many top-level pro athletes. Used by military & martial artists alike, arm wrestlers, cross-fitters & bodybuilders. Fat bar handles target your forearms very well & also benefit your whole upper body. It activates more muscle leading to bigger muscles & strength gains faster.
  • Build a Powerful Grip – Walking to a loaded barbell with weak forearms feels like being handicapped. Building a stronger grip is a must. The difference is significant if you want to stay ahead of your competition or simply like to benefit from functional strength. This is one of the most convenient, easy ways to fix that problem.
  • Reduce Joint Problems – Grabbing metal directly always puts more strain on your joint. If you use ergonomic rubber handles you can reduce joint problems immediately. It helps you to focus on hand recovery while you keep training effectively. Get rid of joint pain by taking the pressure & stress off the joints. Put the pressure where it counts, the muscle. Improve your muscle balance, and increase the surface area of the targeted muscle.

Technical Details

  • Package Dimensions: ‎‎‎‎‎19.3 x 11.9 x 8 cm
  • Weight: ‎0.87 Pounds / ‎399 Grams
  • Color – Green
  • Materials: elastomer polymer
  • Shape: round
  • Manufacturer: Gunsmith Fitness

A typical problem with thick bars is that they are specialty equipment. 99% of gyms simply don’t have spare Apollon’s axles lying around.

To replicate the feel of strongman equipment, thick bar handles like Grenadier Grips are the next best thing essentially achieving for you the same result.

What Exercises to Focus On With Grenadier Grips?

Versatility is Off The Charts

1 Olympic Bars – Ideal to focus on repetitions: Curls, shrugs, deadlifts as well as all types of bench presses – Flat, incline & decline, military press, close grip & J.M. presses 2 Dumbbells – Use thick bar handles for most dumbbell exercises. Please be aware that not all dumbbells have handle shapes that could accommodate Grenadier Grips 3 Odd bars – Even thinner bars than your standard Olympic ones work well with thick bar handles. Grips may rotate on an inert bar however the resistance of the weight will keep grips in place during exercise 4 Cable machines – Most cable attachments are ideal to fit your Grenadier Grips. You can use them for a variety of exercises ranging from pull downs, rows & curls to all sorts of extensions 5 Free standing machines – Most commercial gyms trainer machines are excellent targets to apply your thick bar handles 6 Pull-up bars – Easy to apply within seconds. Most of the pull-up bars are suitable & you can start your exercise quickly

Are There Any Downsides With Grenadier Grips?

Won’t Fit Every Dumbbell

Dumbbells come in various shapes & sizes, which apply to their handles as well. If you have a fancy dumbbell with a special coating put over its handle or just a regular metal one with odd-shaped handle, you run into problems.

Grenadier Grips like other thick bar handles come in one diameter only. They easily fit your standard barbells & handles but anything too fancy & out of the ordinary is where the fat grip handles will hit the wall.

In most cases handles still fit but barely. You have to test it, it can still be functional but maybe it’s a deal breaker for you. The last resort option would be to cut into your thick bar adaptors to fit them specifically for your device. But it will be hard to do because the material used in these handles is tough to just casually slice through it.

What is My Final Evaluation of Grenadier Grips?

Saves You Chalk

In this case, you hit so many birds with one stone. This is one of the best gear to own no matter your area of expertise. The sheer versatility of this equipment is off the charts, you can apply them to almost anywhere. Cover most of your gym exercises & get better results, faster.

Eliminating the need to use chalk is a big one. The rubber-like compound offers you a good gripping surface. Having a better grip gives you more control over dynamic push & pull exercises. Waste less time, be more focused, and finish your workout faster & in safe fashion.

The rounded shape is excellent to give you an entirely different feel & allow your hands to feel better in a supinated position while doing curls. Instead of feeling pain in an unnatural position, ergonomics allow you to take off the excess pressure from joints. You can perform the exercises that were not viable for you before.

Portability & ease of use is nice. It takes mere seconds to apply thick bar handles or take them off. They’re small, throw them into your gym bag & always have them with you. Durability isn’t an issue here. Grenadier Grips are tough & likely will last you a lifetime.

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